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by Ophélie Duvillard


of creativity,


and boldness.


Committed to excellence


Conscience & Présence.

Un chemin pour une vie emplie de croissance,

de satisfaction, et de fun.


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This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.


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This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.

Pour apprendre à lâcher le contrôle, et vivre dans la spontanéité et la fluidité du moment présent.

Améliorer son niveau de présence

Pour améliorer la qualité de vos relations avec les autres, vous permettre d'être plus authentiques et vrais dans vos relations.

Prendre conscience 

de ses masques

Pour prendre des décisions éclairées et alignées avec vos valeurs et vos besoins.

Oser suivre

ses intuitions

Pour permettre de communiquer

vos expériences et votre vision du monde de manière unique

et authentique.


sa créativité

Pour s'autoriser à lâcher prise et à suivre ses instincts et donc le FUN.

Un moyen puissant pour vivre une vie pleine de défis, de succès et de satisfaction.


ses limites

Programme de
transformation personnelle.

Vous guider vers la plus grande liberté.

Ateliers Séminaires
et Team-Building.

Organisez un séminaire novateur et inspirant.

A sensitive artist and bold entrepreneur at heart. I love pushing boundaries, breaking away from the beaten path, and creating my own new way of living, creating, and relating that resonates deeply within my being.

Each of my vocations nurtures me and guides me towards greater wisdom, joy, and creative expression of my soul, leading to fulfillment.

As an actress, director, screenwriter, and entrepreneur, each of my roles is based on a common mission: to INSPIRE.

✺ To lead towards greater wisdom, presence, play, and love in life.

✺ To encourage self-expression as a means of connection and recognition.

✺ To awaken the ways of playing with the mystery that is called LIFE.

With 4 years of experience as a coach (HEC-trained) and retreat guide, I have created a unique coaching method that merges shamanic, emotional, and somatic teachings with my creative, intellectual, and physical practices as an actress and screenwriter.


Influenced by my personal and professional journey, as well as my quest for transcendence, unity, and personal growth, my approach has been meticulously crafted through thorough and immersive exploration of diverse practices over time.

N'allez pas là où le chemin peut mener. Allez plutôt là où il n'y a pas de chemin et laissez une trace.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ophélie's journey


Thank you deeply, Ophelie, for facilitating such an emotionally enriching journey. Your guidance has been truly exceptional, illuminating the depths and nuances within each of us. Words cannot fully capture the beauty and potency of this transformative experience.


Powerfully gentle, Ophélie possesses a presence that captivates all who encounter her. Through her own experiences and open-hearted sharing, she fearlessly guides us into the uncharted territories, encouraging growth and transformation.


Your role as a guide has been an invaluable gift that has deeply enriched my experience during this retreat. I am immensely grateful for your attentive listening, profound respect, genuine vulnerability, gentle guidance, keen insight, non-judgmental approach, patience, and trust. You are truly an extraordinary individual who has already made a lasting impact on this world.


Ophelie's impact was nothing short of miraculous. With a background in science, I approached her methods with skepticism initially. However, the profound experience I encountered, though challenging to put into words, was undeniably enlightening. It facilitated a transformation of my habits, mindset, and unearthed dormant aspects of myself that had remained hidden before. This journey has been immensely beneficial for my personal growth, especially as a business owner. Ophelie's infectious energy is unparalleled, and I cannot imagine entrusting anyone else to lead me through such a transformative journey. Thank you once again for everything.


Guided by Ophélie, we are gently encouraged to delve into our innermost feelings and express them authentically. This experience has personally pushed me far beyond my comfort zone and led me onto uncharted paths of self-discovery.


Immersions et séminaires


Années d'expérience

dans l'accompagnement


Clients accompagnés,

format individuel


Clients accompagnés,

format collectif


Années d'expérience

en tant qu'entrepreneur


Plan a meeting with Ophélie

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Programme individuel en ligne
Séminaires et évènements d'entreprises
Ophélie Duvillard
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