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Tarot and Oracle Guidance.

Guidance through tarot and oracles provides clarity, perspective, and emotional support for navigating life's challenges, making informed decisions, and discovering new momentum.


It assists you in decision-making, sheds light on your path, and aids in uncovering profound answers, empowering you to advance confidently in your life.

100 euros: 1h00 on Zoom or Voice notes on Whatsapp. 

33 euros: 1 question / 1 topic in depth, in voice notes on Whatsapp.


Over 300 readings since 2020.

Here's my feedback one month after the reading: everything went just as you said it would, the cards were right on target, it's impressive!

So I'm delighted to have been able to benefit from your advice, which helped me a lot in orienting my choices.

I think that in a few months I'll do a reading with you again, because you're such a great help when I'm feeling down or in doubt.

This was my first experience with tarology. I didn't give you any details about my life on purpose and I'm bluffed! The reading corresponds to what I'm going through and to my expectations. The cards reflect my personality and the way I see things. Thank you for your clear interpretation and advice. I loved this long-distance experience, and yet I felt like I was standing right next to you.

Many thanks Ophélie 🙏🏼

There are a lot of things you've said that resonate a lot. It's quite disturbing.

Thank you so much Ophélie for your valuable advice, it's done me a lot of good, and I feel ready to continue moving in new directions!

I was a bit dubious about the vocal format, but now I'm really happy to be able to listen to them again and take notes on them.

You've answered a lot of my questions without even knowing them, or me for that matter. I'm really shocked, but with a smile right up to my ears.  Frankly, I'm bluffed, you've opened my eyes and I need to make the right decisions to have the life that awaits me!


I was skeptical at first, but you described me, I was in a fog and now I can see the light coming, I'm reassured!

It's really incredible. It's a wonderful experience. So thank you for your time and patience. It gives me hope.

For my first time in a reading, I'm bluffed!!!

Thank you for your advices too!

I came away a bit shaken up, with a few questions to ask, but rather optimistic, as the cards were positive overall, pushing me towards perseverance and self-confidence, which are not my first qualities. 
A reading that resonates with me, you're very talented and passionated.

I'm full of WISE advice! Thank you for being so inspiring and open, I find it very energizing and a good boost. Thank you for these readings.

Thank you so much, it was powerful, I'm very grateful and honored, I've never done this before, and even less from a distance! But I found your readings very accurate, they spoke to me.

Tarot and Oracle's reading.

Unlock guidance through tarot and my oracles.

This isn't about fortune-telling.

It's about steering you toward the right path, empowering your decision-making, and clearing obstacles.

Your inner wisdom holds the answers.


Discover the vibrational activation lines of Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, alongside practical guidance to navigate your life's journey. Whether you're plotting travels, settling into a new home, or seeking deeper insights into your path, my service provides a distinctive viewpoint to empower you in moving forward with confidence and clarity.

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